Monday, March 16, 2009

Best SNL Performance of All Time

Well, I don't want to overstate it too much, but when I was a young lad, one of the best shows on TV was Saturday Night Live. Right around 1990, the cast was loaded. Hartman, Myers, Carvey, Lovitz, Hooks, Miller, Rock, Nealon, to name a few... I'd record the shows on the family VCR and watch 'em a few times so I'd be able to recite some of the lines with my buddies at school the following Monday. One episode that was stellar from start to finish was one with John Goodman as host. He's hosted a billion times, but the one I'm thinking of was December 1, 1990. The skits were good (Wayne's World and their screening of the new Madonna video, "Justify My Love," and I think that was the first time we were introduced to Pat), but what made that episode my favorite of all time was the musical guest, Faith No More. I was 12 at the time and didn't really know what to make of Mike Patton weirding out the crowd with his bizarre stage antics. "Dude, is that Mike climbing up into the giant ventilation fan that's just there for show and serves no purpose as far as I can tell? Did he just smash the bass drum with his mic stand?" The more I watched it, the cooler it got. At the end of the first song, "Epic," notice how the applause isn't really there. After a few seconds, I think someone hit the applause light or something because it starts to pick up. You can feel the crowd thinking to themselves, "WTF was that?" And in the second video, "From Out Of Nowhere," Mike's crazy headbanging coupled with his cool polka-dotted red shorts is a winning combo. I bring this up now because SNL or NBC, I'm not sure which, is pretty famous for not letting their videos appear on YouTube or anywhere else legally, as far as I know. I just dug a little deeper and found 'em. Enjoy these two before they get yanked.

CRAP. I couldn't embed "From Out Of Nowhere." Click here to see it. Oh, and if Fear's performance is your fav, this blog has that video and a few other excellent ones.

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I play records at WXRT in Chicago. 93.1 on the FM dial. as well.