I've realized something in the past few days. Albums don't matter as much as they used to. Don't get me wrong, I love listening to a good album from front to back, but the way we listen to music has changed. I was trying to figure out which albums were my favorites of the year, and it suddenly dawned on me that I'm much more interested in my 25 top songs of 2008 (or maybe even a top 80 minutes of music that can fit onto one CD). We get an album, listen to it a couple of times, and if there's a song or two that really jump out at us, we make a mental note of it, and then drag that song or songs into our next playlist that we make for a run, or a road trip or whatever. But as long as albums exist and they continue to be the way that most music is presented to us, I'll gladly do a top albums list. Let's get to it.
10. Santogold - Santogold
Loved her set at Coachella back in April, and the Bud Light Lime ads were a bit of a bummer at first, but artists need to eat, so what the hell do I care if her songs were heard in what seemed like every other commercial break during NFL games for a couple of months? The record is good and the more people hear it, the better. Right?
9. TV On The Radio - Dear Science
I played "Crying" on the radio tonight and I had to talk about the fact that you won't be able to find a best albums of 2008 list without "Dear Science" on it, and that should include the XRT Listener poll, or I'm gonna be bummed.
8. Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours
It took a little while for me to buy into this album for some reason, but when it clicked, it clicked. God, I suck at writing. I have to mention that every year. But back to CC... A damn good record to run to, and I'm glad to see that the mighty X-Sport Fitness 24 Hour mega-gym I go to now has the song that you hear below in their music video rotation. Australian dance jams rule, what can I say?
7. Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles
A duo from Toronto that played Chicago recently, but it was one of those god damn all ages shows that start at 6:30 or whatever. Who can get out for the night at 6:30? Would've liked to have seen 'em. Oh, well... A solid, catchy electro record, that again, is good to run to. AND.... Their name will always remind us of this bad ass game. (You're realizing that I'm being super lazy with these little blurbs about each record, right?)
6. Pop Levi - Never Never Love
That's his real name! Well, it's Jonathan Pop Levi, I believe. This is a party record for the most part. It would've been nice to see more written about this album in '08. It starts off with a bang. "Wannamama" is the name of the song that gets it started and it's a Bolan-esque, uptempo jam that even has a few little Prince-y parts to it. Slower pop songs can be found too, but all in all, an album that will put a smile on your face.
5. Nada Surf - Lucky
I fell in love with "Whose Authority" the first time I heard it, and seeing the video made me like it even more (that's the one below) because it's exactly how I get to work every day. And as much as I like the video, it's a little odd, I guess, just following a guy on his bike around the city. Oh, well.. Ever since "Let Go" in 2002/2003, I've had a soft spot for these guys, and I really enjoyed their set at Metro last month. Welcome the the #5 slot, Nada Surf!
4. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
What do you call these guys? Indie psych-pop? How about a band that put out one of the best albums of 2008? I fell in love with "Electric Feel" .89 seconds into the chorus and the riff in "Kids" is unforgettable. My girlfriend works at Jake's Pub at Clark & Wellington and when it's slow in there, or people are being lame and not feeding the jukebox, the bartenders will throw their own tunes on. MGMT was in the rotation for a few months, and people would always ask who they were hearing. Still pissed that I missed 'em jamming with Beck at one of our Studio X shows at Martyr's. They played for quite a while too. We'll be airing that show soon on XRT. Can't wait.
3. The Magnetic Fields - Distortion
It's all in the title. It's distorted as hell, but underneath the feedback are some A+ pop songs. Listen to "California Girls" below and you'll see what I mean. If you dig The Jesus & Mary Chain, My Bloody Valentine, Cocteau Twins and bands like that, this is a slam dunk.
2. Yelle - Pop Up
It wouldn't be a proper list without some French pop, right?
1. Portishead - Third
ELEVEN years since the last album and they drop this on us? How is that possible?
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Have a happy and safe New Year.
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