Monday, November 3, 2008

Can't recommend this movie enough!

Saw it as part of the Chicago Int'l Film Festival, and I'm not quite sure when and where it'll be released in Chicago or on DVD, but if you have Netflix or some other online DVD rental service, set a reminder, save the movie, do something! Just see this when you get the chance. I'm a dork and grade movies after I see 'em and this one was one of a few "A" grades I've handed out this year (in case you were wondering).

Update! It'll be released in Chicago on 11/21 at the Landmark Century Theater on Clark St. just north of Diversey. Now make plans to see it!


Anonymous said...

Looks good. I'm adding it to my rotten tomatoes must see list.

Anonymous said...

Looks good. I'm adding it to my rotten tomatoes must see list.

Anonymous said...

I must be a bigger dork - what's the title of this must see flick?


Anonymous said...

Great flick! thanks for the recommendation!

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I play records at WXRT in Chicago. 93.1 on the FM dial. as well.