Terri Hemmert played
this record for our "Hear First" segment a few weeks ago and we received several e-mails from people that didn't like the record and wanted us to stop playing it. Good move, guys! Way to encourage safe, ball-less radio! Hey, if we play something that's a little too much for you, or a bit off your radar, hit the button and turn on another station that's playing "White Wedding" for the 145,935,497th time and then come back when it's over. We appreciate your feedback, we honestly do, but when you act like you're scared of monsters, and tell us to STOP PLAYING records you don't like, especially newer, more adventurous stuff, all you're doing is encouraging us to take fewer risks. And I DO know that 98% of the audience did enjoy the record, or at least liked the fact that they were hearing a band as cool as Portishead, it's just a few squeaky wheels (squeaky for all the wrong reasons), that can bring something new and different down.
Sorry, Beth.