Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Party Tunes!

I've been a bit lazy lately copying and pasting a bunch of articles on the economy and national debt. Not the sexiest topics, but pretty important stuff I've been angry about lately. I could write some embarrassingly incoherent pieces on the economy and debt on my own, but I think that fellows at the Brookings Institution can do a better job than I can, so that's why you've seen a few of those recently...

So, let's get back to the party tunes. I've posted his work before, but it's ALWAYS a good idea to visit Party Ben's blog. He has a ton of downloads for you to play at your next fiesta.

Eddie Money vs. The Ting Tings!

Lily Allen vs. Howard Jones!

Queen vs. House of Pain!

And who can forget the classic Police vs. Snow Patrol jam?!

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I play records at WXRT in Chicago. 93.1 on the FM dial. 93xrt.com as well.