Monday, May 19, 2008

May I interest you in a rad pop record?

Her name is Yelle, she's from France and I'm loving the album "POP-UP" right now. Watch this video, and enjoy the excercise scenes. And those red shorts. Jesus.

The Cure @ Allstate, 5/17/08

OK, first read this piece from someone who knows how to write.

Now, my thoughts...

I thought they sounded incredible. The review in the Trib was talking about sound issues and Robert having problems with his voice. Really? Uhhh, I may be an idiot, but I didn't notice any of that stuff. I thought the sound was good and Bob's voice was in fine form. My ride had to bail a bit early, so I missed the tail end of the show, but I did enjoy "The Walk," "One Hundred Years," "Plainsong," to name a few... Interesting hearing the band with no keys. Porl Thompson and Bob's guitar licks take the place of some of the keyboard parts, so it was fun to hear a different, some would say more of a rock spin on some of the older tunes we're used to hearing with synth and keys. I was super satisfied with the whole show, and can't wait to see Bob and the boys again. B+

Thursday, May 15, 2008

SUPER simple summer drink recipe

Fill up a large glass/cup with ice, pour in a shot/shot and a half of rum. I used Captain Morgan, and DO NOT add too much rum! Now, fill the glass with ginger beer (NOT crappy ginger ale, get some nice, ginger beer like the stuff on the left you can find at Trader Joe's) and squeeze half a lime's worth of juice in there and mix it up. It's heavenly stuff. Seriously.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A record to listen to

Don't know that much about him, but I've been listening to the mp3 stream of the album for the past half hour and it sounds pretty good. Give a listen to Douglas Armour.

OK, he's from L.A. I just looked that up.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Winning hearts and minds

Look, not to get all preachy and soapboxy on you, but WTF?!?!? What would be a worse experience, torture or wrongful imprisonment? Oh, hell! We do both! More examples? Here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here.

We pay for this. War, torture, wrongful imprisonment.... And stadiums for millionaire owners of sports teams! Stadiums with new luxury suites is worth tax dollars, but a healthy American populace is not. $%!#$*!#$%!(#)$&!@#$!!!!!!!!

OK, I'm done now. Back to the music!

About Me

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I play records at WXRT in Chicago. 93.1 on the FM dial. as well.