If you've heard Adam Carolla on the radio before, you know how good his rants and goofy ideas can be. He did "Crank Yankers," "The Man Show," and had a morning show, but I really think this guy's at his best when he can just BS with someone with no structure or time limit or anything like that. He recently had a syndicated morning show that was heard mostly on the west coast, but CBS cut him loose. Why? I'm not sure, but now, as I understand it, CBS pays the remainder of his contract as long as he doesn't accept another paying gig. What does he do? He sets up a daily podcast that you can download for free, every day. Some of the guests are a little obscure, but they're almost always entertaining, and sometimes it seems like they're really only there to provide Adam with new subjects to go off on. Have a listen. The Joe Rogan one was pretty good. The guy likes psychedelics. A good quote from Joe, "A heavy psychedelic experience is like pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE for your brain, and your brain reboots, and now you have a fresh new desktop, and there's one folder on the whole desktop, and that folder is labeled, 'My Old BS.'" The point is that you never know where it's gonna go, or what's gonna come up. Interesting and funny are good things, right? Oh, and most of the newer ones open with Lord Sitar covering "I Can See For Miles." Good stuff.